Using an air tool attached to an air compressor, we are able to blow dirt and dust out of small crevices and tight spots.

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Our Services & Packages


The word mini pointing to our tier 1 package.
Our Get-Er-Done package for exteriors and what is all included in this package, as well as the pricing.


$7O+Car | $75+ Midsize | $9O+Large/Exotic

Bundle pricing for mini detail package "Get-Er-Done"
Our Get-Er-Done package for interiors and what is all included in this package, as well as the pricing.


$75+Car | $90+ Midsize | $105+Large/Exotic

Date Night

The word silver pointing to our tier 1 package.


Our Date Night package for exteriors and what is all included in this package, as well as the pricing.

$120+Car | $130+ Midsize | $145+Large/Exotic


Our Date Night package for interiors and what is all included in this package, as well as the pricing.

$180+Car | $200+ Midsize | $240+Large/Exotic

Bundle pricing for our silver detail package "Date Night"

Fresh Off The Lot

The word gold pointing to our tier 1 package.


$17O+Car | $180+ Midsize | $200+Large/Exotic

Our Fresh Off The Lot package for exteriors and what is all included in this package, as well as the pricing.


$240+Car | $260+ Midsize | $300+Large/Exotic

Our Fresh Off The Lot package for interiors and what is all included in this package, as well as the pricing.
Bundle pricing for our gold detail package "Fresh Off The Lot"


A listing of all add-on options to your detail package.

*All quote prices are dependent on current vehicle condition and will need to be finalized after a visual inspection.

**All exterior package finishing sealants are estimated average protection times and can vary by vehicle type and a multitude of factors after the sealant is applied. Actual protection times could be less or more than estimates, but generally should fall into the ranges listed.

More About Our Services

Here at Fresh Off The Lot, we want to give you a customized package that best fits your needs. We understand that every vehicle is unique and might require its own special game plan to bring it back to the best condition possible. Maybe your vehicle is in desperate need of some love and care on the exterior to bring the shine out, but you already keep the interior spotless. Or maybe there was an accidental coffee spill on the driver’s seat that needs to be removed, but the outside paint just needs a quick touch-up. You shouldn’t have to pay for an all out “Platinum Interior & Exterior” detail package just to get what you’re actually needing. We feel like the “one-size-fits-all” approach is outdated and limits your choices.

So, instead we have created 3 levels of detailing packages for both the Interior and the Exterior. This allows you to mix-&-match different options and only pay for what you are wanting.

Be sure to check out our Add-Ons below for even more customization and options!

Contact us

For booking your next appointment, or for any questions relating to our services and offerings, please reach out and we will be happy to get you what you need!
(936) 337-3355